micropia X 2020 wall width 400 cm

It started several years ago with an ever deeper desire to understand the secrets of the body, beyond muscles, blood vessels and
brain curves, that which moves cells. From the vegetable garden I borrowed the skin of fruit and vegetables for those beautiful intricate surface structures of the unicellular organisms. But in the end, the cucumbers became phalluses and the microbes composed of parasol fungi bunches of young girls breasts. Could, conversely, my body also shape the world ? I connected the anus and its inwardly folded opening with a deflated balloon, let the pleats on the inside of my feet flow to the source.
A visit to Micropia, the museum next to Artis about the little ones among us, reinforced my fascination. I wandered dazed in the dark, gazed through microscopes at all the scum that inhabits and surrounds us. Invisible to the naked eye; transparent spheres, coiled threads, swimming worms. What lives only on your lashes already! Beautiful, but also frightening. Especially now suddenly in 2020 it became very actual how such a miniscule organism controls the world, shuts down the economy and limits social interaction.